Feb 27 Meeting fishing World Record Holder

On February 27th, we will hold our second meeting for the month. The guest speaker will be Martin Arostegui . Martin currently owns over 200 world records which is a remarkable achievement. The only way you can achieve that is by careful planning and detailed preparation.  He has taken world record fishing to an all time high. He will be discussing fishing in the Everglades for Largemouth Bass. A meal will be served at the upcoming meeting.  Please RSVP no later than Sunday, February 25th

Also, Eddie Mesis will bring samples of the new club t shirts to the meeting for our review. . As a reminder, the drawing for the Yeti Cooler Giveaway is still on.  The only way to receive a ticket is by showing up to the club meetings.

During our last meeting, we had an excellent speaker and a small turnout. .Please try not to miss out on this speaker!

Lastly, the remodeling of the bathroom is ongoing. This weekend, Herman, Tom Gray and David Glabman will complete the tiling..We are still in need of several volunteers to assist with the bathroom.   If you are available to assist either day, please contact me at (786)  525-7034 Herman will be at the clubhouse after 1:30 pm on Saturday to begin laying the tile.  David Glabman and I will be there Sunday grouting.

Hope to see you all at the meeting!

Tight Lines

Henry Acosta
Club President