Category Archives: Events2

Jack Hole presentation

This month first meeting is at 7:30 pm, September 14.  It’s still hot,

Tuesday night, Tom Gray tells us techniques and where about the Jack Hole.

Water temperature is around 86 degrees in the Bay.

What to look for and what doesn’t mind the temperatures?
How about Jacks, Grunts, Muttons, Permit?
Not bad for a morning fishing! This is important information because the outing will be on Friday, September 24.

We will go for lunch at the No Name Harbor restaurant maybe around 11:30 or when it gets hot.

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Due to the Delta variant, we will still have a Zoom meeting.

Topic: SDA Sept meeting
Time: Sep 14, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 850 6781 1475
Passcode: SDA

Dr. Ross Boucek, Bonefish Tarpon Trust presents on Permit

Dr. Ross Boucek, is the new Keys Initiative Manager for Bonefish & Tarpon Trust.  He’s been asked to talk about Permit, one of the BTT interests.

Tuesday night, 08/24, Zoom meeting 7:30.

He grew up in Southwest Florida fishing for snook and tarpon out of Chokoloskee, and still spends a lot of time fishing there.

He received his Masters and Doctoral degrees at Florida International University. His research investigated how, and in what ways, Everglades Restoration actions will impact snook in Everglades National Park. After receiving his Ph.D., he worked for the Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission as a senior biologist researching animal migrations and where harvest regulation boundaries should be.

He lives in Marathon. He has a 1996 green Action Craft Flatsmaster

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SDA presentation
Aug 24, 2021 07:30 PM


ID: 821 4312 1143

Burgers and Breeze

Tuesday, 07/13/2021 – at the clubhouse:

1. burgers, beans, slaw, and beverage $10.00 each
2. figure out how to get some offshore fishing

The charters are full, no room for SDA
Drift boat alternative?
Club boats alternative?

Mutton snapper “will be spawning Hawks channel”- target them?
Dolphin as a target?
Reef edge as a target – Trigger fish?
Patch reef?
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One of the last spawns of the season is getting under way. Following in the footsteps of the permit spawn and the mutton spawn the mangrove snapper are the last to move from inshore to the reef edge. The snapper will congregate on the outer edge of the reefs to mate and spend the next few months being a favorite target

Spawning mangrove snapper seem to be creatures of habit. If you find them on a particular section of reef one year you can bet your lunch money they will return the next. I usually look for patch reefs within about a mile of the outer edge of the reef. During the day, mangroves tend to stay low in the water column and it is often easier to find them by looking with your eyes while drifting over the shallow patch reefs with a glass bottom bucket than it is to find them with a depth finder. It definitely pays to stop on the reef on your way in or out on those particularly clear water days to scout for additional fish. Yes they will also be over the deeper sections of the reef line to depths to about one hundred feet but they are plentiful in the shallower depths and much easier to fish for.

Summer Mangrove Spawn

Image is from a wild and crazy guy – we can watch his video while eating
Joe VT Fishing

Sorry, no Zoom this meeting so plan on being there for good food and a fun time.

SDA – Live at Clubhouse 06/22 – Dolphin

Tuesday night is the next SDA meeting. We will meet at the clubhouse. This physical space is such a treasure and we are trying to keep that going.

Chef David is making a pork roast and Fernando is bringing potatoes. Anyone want to bring a veggie side, please do. Dinner will be $10.00 each.

We are going to do a round table discussion on Dolphin fishing.

Going to pull a trip together sometime in July.

Do we share a charter?   See the L&H picture above

Or do we use boats within the club?

Lures, techniques, locations? All part of the discussion.
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See you at the clubhouse Tuesday evening. Great food!

If you can’t make it, we will continue hybrid for a while:
Herman Watson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: Jun 22, 2021 07:30 PM


Meeting ID: 897 5089 1676
Passcode: SDA

Live at SDA Club House – Reel Repair – 06/08

Tomorrow evening 06/08/21 we are having a live meeting at the Club House.

David is making Jerk chicken and Fernando is bringing sides. Adult beverages too. $10.00 per meal.

There is a special presentation by a local named Adrian who does incredible reel repair.

Bring your messed up, grinding, wiggly reel for advice and him to look at.

I have more than one of those at home.

See you at 7:30.
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Will try to Zoom if technology cooperates and you can’t make it.

Topic: SDA Reel Repair
Time: Jun 8, 2021 07:30 PM

Join Zoom Meeting


Monster3X live presentation

Live Monster3X presentation.

May 4 we are having a live presentation by Raul Prieto and his brother, a guide, about Monster3X lures.

They are an energetic manufacturer and distributor of tackles.  Their design is to “spend less time changing bait and more time catching fish.”

They show 25 dealers, a Florida market, so this is the focus.

You ABSOLUTELY don’t want to miss this.  We will have Chili Dogs, onions, and chips at the club house.

This meeting will be hybrid, so a simultaneous Zoom presentation if you can’t make it.
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We are vaccinated and the clubhouse is a real treasure, so plan on attending.  No reason to miss this.

We are putting our materials on the SouthDadeAnglers YouTube channel – 20 videos so far.  You should  subscribe to see new Outings and meetings especially to learn new things.

The Zoom link is

See you there

S.D.A. Anniversary Meet Tuesday, 3/23

Anniversary meet at clubhouse.

S.D.A. meeting March 23, 2021

It’s the year anniversary since the Covid Pandemic began.

Miami-Dade county numbers are down to about 1100 per day.

If you have been on Miami Beach, that is the exception.

Nevertheless, we are going to try to hold a physical meeting at the clubhouse on Tuesday evening, March 23, at 7:30 pm.

SOCIAL DISTANCE will be absolutely practiced

It’s going to be kept simple, but we will have awesome Pizza from Mamma Mia’s that Eddie will pick up.

We will also try to put the meeting on Zoom simultaneously.  Technology will be tested to it limits, but if all works we should be able to do that in case you cannot physically attend, or at a remote location.

The topic for discussion is a trip to the Cane Patches.

I have still have some positive and negative thoughts that I would like to share.
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There is an outing scheduled for April 17.

Chris Pederson suggests it is too far for a single day run up and back.  Maybe we could maybe rent a house boat for that weekend.  That way we could use it as a mother ship.  If it was parked in Shark River, then it would be a shorter run up to the patches.

Somebody can volunteer to research the house boat rental.  I don’t know if they are available for a weekend rather than a week.

A presentation will be given on location and what is there.

Alternatively, we could fish Whitewater Bay for Tarpon.

The Tarpon season should still be running, especially with the cold front this weekend.

Topic: SDA
Time: Mar 23, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Hope you can come and enjoy the pizza.

Holey Land Crappie Fishing – March 9, 7:30

March 9  – Holey Land Crappies.

March 9, 2021 is the Zoom meeting for March.  We are planning for the outing on Saturday March 13. Who, with whom, and what are topics of discussion.

David Fass has much experience fishing in Minnesota lakes in canoes and Florida.  He is incredibly patient, determined, and has much experience.  He has agreed to share hints and tips for fishing Crappie.

The club outing is on March 13 at the Harold A Campbell Public Use Area located in the Holey Land Wildlife Management area.

The ‘lake’ there is 40 feet deep and there are crappies somewhere in there.  The trick is to fool them into eating some presentation on a hook.

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Topic: SDA Presentation
Time: Mar 9, 2021 07:30 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 851 8683 9405
Passcode: SDA

S.D.A. Presentation Feb 23 – Noel Garcia – Swordfishing

Free Lance fishing guide Miami to the keys

He will give a Zoom presentation on Sword fishing

His Instagram is gone_fishing55.

You can see his catches, like the 330lb sword.

This presentation, promises to be interesting.

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Topic: SDA Presentation
Time: Feb 23, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 0519 2376
Passcode: SDA

S.D.A. Florida Bay Water Flow and Fish – Feb 9

Special guest speaker – Dr. Jennifer Rehage from FIU.

She will talk about Florida Bay, issues there & how freshwater flows affect our fisheries

Dr. Jennifer Rehage is a coastal and fish ecologist and associate professor at the Institute of Environment and the Earth & Environment department. Studies in her research groupfocus on understanding how natural and human disturbances affects multiple aspects of the life of fish focusing on individuals, their behavior, populations, ecosystem role, and interactions with anglers.

Over the past decade at FIU, Dr Rehage has been studying how hydroclimatic variation effects fish and the recreational fisheries they support in the Everglades and throughout South Florida. Research has focused on Common Snook, Florida Largemouth Bass, Bonefish, juvenile Atlantic Tarpon and Jack Crevalle. Studies examine the interacting effects of natural flow regimes, climate, and management decisions on fish space use, distribution and populations,and involves recreational anglers, and local ecological (angler) knowledge. – (that’s us)

The meeting will be on Zoom:
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Meeting link

Meeting ID: 889 4231 5826
Passcode: SDA

See you there!