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Jack Hole Outing

Yes, Virginia, there really is a Jack Hole in Biscayne Bay.

We’re going to meet at the clubhouse, Tuesday,  9/13 – 7:30 pm

Plan the real Jack Hole fishing trip on Friday, 9/16

Matheson, Crandon, who’s boats, who’s riding?

Share recent fishing and catching expriences.

All Star Pizza – the best – $10.00

Interesting – I guess some read about our meetings and group. They even refer to South Dade Anglers.

Maybe they should join up with us and get the real answers.

Has anyone ever heard of a location in Biscayne Bay referred to by locals as “The Jack Hole”?

See you Tuesday evening….

Reward II and East Carolina BBQ

August is offshore fishing month.

We meet at the clubhouse on Tuesday evening, Aug 9, 7:30 pm.

Special menu is East Carolina pulled pork and Russell is bringing Cole Slaw.  There are North and South Carolina, but East Carolina is it’s own place.

There will also be Garlic Bread and maybe baked beans.

Discussion will be about going offshore on the Reward Fleet, proposed date of Saturday, August 20.

Let’s make a list of who is going. There will be details and some videos of the trip and how to reserve your seat.

They sail out of Miami Marina and do half day trips.

Come enjoy the company and food.  That’s why we are a social and fishing club.

See you there.

Snakeheads and Brats at the Clubhouse

Tuesday night, 07/12/2022, we are going to meet at the clubhouse.

David is preparing Bratwurst and all the fixings. Great continuing celebration of July 4th.

This is still the hottest time of the year. Lets try some hot freshwater fishing with snakeheads, peacocks, and maybe other cichlids too. None of them mind how hot it gets and they are all invaisve species.

We can discuss catching Snakeheads, and info on where to find them.

Outing scheduled for July 23, Saturday – target invasive species.

Bullseye snakeheads are predators that eat a wide range of animals: mainly small fish and crayfish, also cane toads, lizards, snakes, small turtles, and snails. This wide diet helps the bullseye snakehead survive in Florida, but also may reduce its impact on any particular native species.

They can breathe air (but cannot crawl on land), which may allow them to occupy habitats with poor water quality not suitable for many native fish species.

There is intel to review and to make a decision where to hunt them.

I will try to Zoom the meeting, but please plan on attending in person. Members only will get an email with the Zoom link.

See you there.

Check out the new videos at SDA YouTube Channel

Samantha Morejon, Miami Waterkeeper presents 06/28 – 7:30 pm

“An Audit of Miami-Dade County Stormwater Permit Compliance”, was published May 2022, by the Miami Waterkeeper and Everglades Law Center.

Samantha Morejon, Science and Policy Project Manager, Miami Waterkeeeper, will present on the stormwater report and other activities that they are involved in.

Much of the pollution entering Biscayne Bay comes from land-based sources, and the stormwater system is one of the most prominent pollution entry points. Stormwater systems direct land-based pollution into local waterways and Biscayne Bay, including grease, herbicides, pet waste, fertilizers, debris, etc.

You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Pizza and Flamingo – Tuesday 06/07/22 – 7:30

SDA Pizza Night tomorrow.

We meet tomorrow evening 6/07/22 at 7:30 at the clubhouse.

Got some great pizza.

Going to fish Flamingo this coming Saturday 06/11.

Talk is about fishing out front, but that can change based on weather, wind, and mud.

8:15 high tide, winds 6-12 mph 220 degrees.

Lets come up with an plan, maybe out front, maybe Whitewater, maybe Everglades City.

Get your boats ready guys. Some people need a ride.

Love talking and hanging out. See you there.

Fishing Windley Key

Meeting in person at clubhouse on May 10 at 7:30.

Bert’s wife is making Lasagna. Lucas is bringing Olive Garden salad.

We are going to Windley Key Fisher’s Inn on 5/13 to spend some time in a fun place and do some BBQ’ing and fishing.

Tom Gray will talk with us about fishing around Windley Key. There are many places to explore, more than time to play.

It’s been 3 years since we’ve gone to Fisher’s Inn. The motel has a ramp for people who stay there.

See you there.

Piccodillo and Clousers

Tomorrow evening April 12, 2022 we are going to meet at the clubhouse at 7:30 pm.

Piccodillo and Clouser Minnows.

Fernando is cooking Piccodillo for all of us to feast on.

David is going to teach a class on tying a Clouser Minnow.

Here is a copy of the instructions.

There will be some copies for your use at the meeting.

We will plan the Outing for using fly lines on April 23.

Bring your fly tying materials if you have some. We all can share.


Geolocation Intel at the Clubhouse – 03/22- 7:30 pm

Frank C. is teaching Geolocation Intel at the meeting with a slide presentation.

Eddie M. is bringing Lechon with black beans and rice. David is bringing some greens.  $10.00

We will plan the next outing and compare experiences


SouthDadeAnglers FaceBook Group:
Ask questions, show your catches, participate, participate , participate

SouthDadeAnglers YouTube Channel:

Meetings – 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month .
As a member get directly involved: Phone messages, outings and meetings:  Dues $250 per year

Email for Zoom link:

SDA Meet 3/08/2022

March 8, 2022

Zoom meet on line. Next meeting we will do the clubhouse.

We will watch Lawson Lindsey – $50 Bass Pro Saltwater Fishing Challenge – then discuss our opinions and variations on what he did.

I can show examples of SDA Facebook Group. How to post, and add comments. Example from similar group for Ft. Meyers Kayak fishing. SDA group:

Dues: If you haven’t paid dues for this year, please do it now. If you can’t use PayPal, let me know.

Zoom link:
Email me for Zoom link


SDA Feb 22 – Guest Speaker, Burgers, Dues

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We meet at the Club House on February 22 (02-22-2022).
Captain Peter Lopez
The python had a plan, he was following the skiff trying to get
aboard! We quickly made up a weapon similar to a spear using our
push-pole and a knife and it was game on. I hopped down and fired up
the motor while Capt. Peter hit it repeatedly in the head slashing and
stabbing him in the head.
DUES: This club needs your support for membership to keep the club and
house going.
Dues are $250 annual which is $22 per month.  We collect at the
beginning of the year, but NOW is the time to pay.
You can bring a check to the Club House on Tuesday night, or pay on
line with PayPal.
If you use the PayPal link, you are directly connected to the South
Dade Anglers account.  Your payment of $250 will deposit directly to
SDA account.  Pay with check or credit card through PayPal.
Burgers will be cooked on the grill.  I will try to send Zoom link if
you can’t be there.
See you there!