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St. John Neumann Fishing Tournament 4/29/23

Let the FUN begin

There’s something to do for every member of the family

Sat, Apr 29
Matheson Hammock Park & Marina
There are Sponsorships and a Tuition Raffle available
If you are looking for a fun and beneficial Fishing Tournament, this is the one

Calling all anglers!

Please join us for the 14th Annual St. John Neumann Catholic School Fishing Tournament to be held on Saturday April 29, 2023, followed by the Hook, Dock & Rock Party on Saturday, May 20, 2023. This annual community-based event has something for everyone.

The fishing competition will take place on Saturday, April 29th. Weigh in at Matheson Hammocks Marina while surrounded by music, drinks and small bites. We hope tight lines guide you as you battle the deep sea to bring the biggest catch of the day!

For our little ones, we will have the Little Anglers Freshwater Fishing Tournament on Saturday, May 20th. Grab your rod and head to the nearest lake or canal. Texts pictures of your catch to be eligible for a cash prize. Trophies and cash prizes will be awarded at the Hook, Dock, & Rock Party.

Fireside Chat with Willy – Tuesday April 11, 7:30

We will have another Fireside Chat with Willy Schaugg Tuesday April 11, 7:30 at the clubhouse.

Willy has been catching sailfish off of Key Biscayne and he will share the experience with us.

First with Capt Mike Puller and has Lisa out of Crandon Marina

Then his first own sailfish today on his own boat. 7ft and 45 pounds on 20 mono and 40 leader- 5 circle hook – 135 ft depth near Long Reef

Come listen to the whole story with details.

We will use Henry’s grill to grill burgers with cheese and onions. There will also be Pinto beans to match. $10

Someone can bring a salad and desert.

See you there.

Fireplace Chat and Wings

Lucas and two of his friends booked C.A. Richardson for a 3 day trip at Mosquito Lagoon.

They caught some huge fish.

Lucas will give us a fireside chat about the fun and experience they had.

What a wonderful opportunity.

We will have wings, cole slaw, and chips for dinner at the clubhouse.

Come early if you can and help with the cooking.

Hope to share some time with you there.

Dinner and Dr. Jennifer Rehage (FIU) – Pharmaceuticals in Bonefish and Redfish 03/14/2023

Tuesday evening we are having a special guest speaker, Dr. Jennifer Rehage.

Dr. Jennifer Rehage is an associate professor at Florida International University (FIU). She is a coastal and fish ecologist who has been studying how hydroclimatic variation effects fish and the recreational fisheries they support in the Everglades and throughout South Florida for over a decade. Dr. Rehage has conducted research on Common Snook, Florida Largemouth Bass, Bonefish, juvenile Atlantic Tarpon and Jack Crevalle as part of FIU’s Marine Science department.

Her current and recent work has been a pharmaceutical study on bonefish & redfish. She will share details about the findings which is guaranteed to get your attention.

She has presented to our group before. We did Zoom recording and they are on the SDA YouTube channel. Tuesday evening will be live.
Dr Jennifer Rehage FIU Part 1 – What’s up with the Everglades?

Dr. Jennifer Rehage Part 2 – Everglades Water Flow and Fisheries

Eddie is getting Lechon and the dressings for dinner. $10.00 each.

We are also planning an outing at Flamingo for March 18.

Be there.

Clubhouse Meeting 02/21/2023 7:30 pm

The series on Permit will continue with a viewing of ‘Black Tailed Devils

We will have dinner at the clubhouse on Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm David is going to cook fresh ‘Wursts’ on the grill along with sides. Bring a desert if you can. Thank you David.

Last meeting was recorded- “Building the FRS12 from scratch plans” and is posted on the SDA YouTube channel. If you missed the meeting, you can see the presentation there. I will bring the boat for inspection.

Also subscribe the SDA YouTube Channel. You can catch up on our presentations or share what we do with friends.

Speaking of presentations, Dr. Jennifer Rehage from FIU will present at the clubhouse on Tuesday March 14 on: “Biscayne bay fisheries: how are they doing & when were they good?”

Place that one on your calendar. She is also going to bring some of her PhD students.

See you Tuesday evening.

SDA: Permit and Homemade Chili Dogs 1/24/2023 7:30 pm

SDA Jan 24 7:30 pm at the clubhouse.

Topic for the night is 15 Minutes Of A Pack Of Permit.

This is a presentation by Key West Kayak Fishing and is his adventure being in a large pack of Permit on his Kayak.

We are going to use his YouTube experience to have an introduction to being with Permit.

Can you see them? Tails and Dorsal fins? Can you approach them? Can you cast to them without spooking them? Can you get them to eat an artificial?

Great learning experience and discussion. You won’t want to miss this evening.

David is making homemade chili and hot dogs. Someone needs to bring cole slaw and flan or some desert.

We will talk about the fishing, and what to expect in the next month.

On March 14, Dr. Jennifer Rehage from FIU will give us a presentation on some of her current research.

Happy New Year 2023 – Burgers and Plans

Happy New Year!

Here we go with 2023 in the most beautiful place on Earth.

We are meeting at the clubhouse on Tuesday, January 10, at 7:30 pm. Where else can you get friends and go fishing too?

I am bringing some burgers, beans, and slaw. Help is needed to cook the burgers so show up a few minutes early if you can.

We will go over plans for the upcoming year.

It’s also time for paying the annual dues. Still only $250 to keep the physical space running. Where else can you get so much fun for $20 per month? Please help pay this month.

Thank you to Fernando for being the Treasurer and managing the finances.

Bring a check Tuesday to pay in person. Otherwise use this link to PayPal so payment can be made there.

Pay Dues PayPal

Elect Ana and Brisket

SDA: Nov 8 – Elect Brisket and Ana

Ana Zangroniz missed the last time because she was fighting Covid.

Now she’s coming back with a fury, in person.

That’s because there was also a fish kill in North Biscayne Bay.

We will have Brisket for dinner. Bring your $10.00

You can find out election winners after we have dinner.

Looking forward to hearing some fish stories and seeing live people.

Check out and comment on our Facebook group – Link above.

OctoberFest Plus Catch and Release

Tuesday, October 11, we will celebrate OctoberFest at the clubhouse. Brats and Wurst to celebrate October will be featured meal. $10.00 each. Adult carbonated beverages will also be available in the refrigerator.

Ana Zangroniz, Florida Sea Grant Extension Agent, UF/IFAS Extension Miami-Dade County, will give a presentation on Best fishing practices for catch and release. There are lots of techniques that we can use to help fish survivability in our catch and release.

You might be aware of a few of them, but Ana will cover the science and techniques promulgated to help fish. Simple and easy once known, but helpful and compassionate for our fish friends.

Just released – Urban Fly Fishing video about Eric Estrada on SouthDadeAnglers YouTube channel.   Check it out and the whole channel – 32 videos about fishing and the club. Subscribe today

Tight Lines

Urban Fly Fishing – Sept 27

Eric Estrada fishes canals, lakes, and ditches in the city.

Not only that, but he uses a Fly setup.

He has a channel on YouTube and is an artist.

His content is challenging, fascinating, and something to aspire to.  A new way to fish in your own back yard.

So Tuesday evening is a Zoom presentation on his style and successes.

We have the approach of Hurricane Ian coming toward Florida.

So let’s do a Zoom presentation.  7:30 pm.  Get the link at for the presentation.

Tight lines