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Holiday Pot Luck

So here we are eating and talking fishing again.  Sometimes you don’t even have to get on the water to fish.  Just talking about it is almost as good as being out there.

We all got together and had a wonderful pot luck dinner to celebrate a great year together, all the fun and social community, and friendship we share.

We hope for continued blessings in the coming year and are thankful for all the health and  great times had together.

Maybe it’s time you consider joining us to participate in some of the group fun times.

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[cycloneslider id=”holidaymeal”]



Stone Crab Dinner Success!

[cycloneslider id=”stone-crab-dinner”]

We all had a wonderful stone crab dinner.

The whole idea is to get together and have a great time.
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Everyone had fun talking and eating the crabs.  Thanks to Al for arranging the meal.


Stone Crab Claws at SDA meeting Nov 18

Al Juliacs has offered again to obtain stone crab claws for our ‘Thanksgiving’ meeting.  The board decided that November 18 will be the only date for the single meeting for November.  Next Tuesday is too soon and November 25 is too close to Thanksgiving.

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The meal cost will be $30.00.  Stone crab prices are up very high this year.
Craving seasonal stone crabs? Get ready to pay plenty at Joe’s, Truluck’s, Billy’s and more

Everyone who attends must let John Melchior know in advance.    305dash256dash3902

There must be at least 20 guaranteed, confirmed, hungry attendees who will happily pay for their meal.  Attendance needs to be arranged BEFORE SDA can commit to purchasing crab claws.  Please appreciate that $600 will be committed by the club in your behalf if we proceed.

If you have not arranged in advance with John for attending and paying then no crabs will be purchased.  If there are not at least 20 attending then there will be no meeting for November.

Please help with this decision and let John know if you are coming.  John will try to call every member who does not contact him soon.

A decision needs to be made before next Tuesday.
In hungry anticipation,

Herman Watson

Dinner and guest presentation

Last night we all met.

David made awesome chicken and Caesar salad.

We reviewed the Everglades/Chokoloskee outing and saw some pictures of the redfish caught.

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Had a great time.  Maybe next time you join us.


Club Meeting Next Tuesday at 7:30 PM Clubhouse

Club Meeting Next Tuesday at 7:30 PM Clubhouse

Election slate will be presented and nominations will be taken from the floor. Election is at the December 9th Club meeting!

Dinner will be provided for the modest charge of $15/person “ Don’t Miss This Meeting or the Dinner provided by our own Dr Dave Glabman “Chicken Special with all the Fixins plus a Dessert” What a bargain. There will be lots to Discuss that was presented at the October SDA Board Meeting. This is your club be involved!! Speaker- questionable?

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Tight Lines,

Tom, aka Lame Duck Pres!

Chokoloskee outing

The weekend of October 18th we are having an outing at Everglades City.

Some will be staying at the River Wilderness Resort and arriving the night before.

There will be fishing on Saturday morning.  Low tide is at 6:52 am with high tide around noon.

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Tuesday evening at the SDA meeting on October 13, the details will be discussed.


Sept 9th meeting

Dear SDA Members & friends,

Exciting Club meeting tomorrow night Sept. 9th 7:30 PM Clubhouse. Outing has been changed to concur with a dat-on-the-bay fishing contest, that is Saturday September 20th, there will be signup forms at tomorrow night’s meeting. Now yo9u as what is the exciting part well our very own Snake Bight expert will be presenting, Yes you heard me correctly Dennis Horn will reveal all of his Snake Bight Secrets. Be ready to copy down all of the Gems that Dennis will reveal. definitely a not to be missed meeting. The club will fish the Snake Bight area for the day-on-the-bay contest,DON”T MISS THIS MEETING!!!

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Tight lines,

SDA September outing to compete in FNGLA Day-on-the-Bay Tournament

The outing for SDA has been moved one week later to coincide with the Florida Nursery Growers Day-on-the-Bay tournament on September 20th.

We are having a presentation on fishing Snake Bight area on September 9th as preparation for the tournament.

The tournament allows fishing any South Florida Waters – Biscayne Bay, Florida Bay, Chokiloskee, etc.  The club has decided a group will fish Snake Bight area on that day and participate in the Tournament.
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Come to the meeting, sign up for the tournament, and meet at the ramp at 7:00 am on September 20th.


Presentation on Mr. Wiffle Lures

We have guest speakers.  Mr Wiffle

MrWiffelure® (formerly *MrWiffle) is back in the marketplace and once again fishing in the fresh & salt waters around the globe. Presently the soft plastic Sonic Tail Jig Lure has been spotted fishing the waters off Marco and Chokoloskee Island. Chokoloskee is an island made entirely oyster shells deposited by the Calusa Indians 3 miles south of Everglades City. Gateway to The Everglades National Park. Some of the best fishing in the world can be found right here, right now…

There are two gentlemen coming from Everglades City to talk to us tonight.

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Pizza will be available.

Meeting starts at 7:30.

Meeting Aug. 12th

Dear SDA Club Members and interested parties,

Meeting Tomorrow night Aug. 12th

Club outing of Aug.16th to Rabbit Key will be presented by Herman Watson, Snapper will be the targeted species with plans for an Aug. 26th Meeting Fish Fry (pending Angler Success and participation). There will be food at the Aug.12th meeting: Hot dogs with coleslaw, potato salad and dessert all for the low cost of $5/person. Come and have a great time, tall fish tales will be related as is our usual practice, come support your SDA Club.
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Tight lines,
