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Clouser Minnow tying session

We are having a group tying session Tuesday evening, June 11, at 7:30 pm.

We are building a classic Clouser Minnow

Dr. Phil will be the instructor.

No better way to learn tying Clouser’s Deep Minnow than from John Clouser himself:

Bring what you have and others will share.

Bring your vice if you have one and/or your hair and other materials.

There will be Ropa Vieja with rice and slaw for dinner.

Come enjoy the fellowship.

Fly Tying Intro

Dr. Phil is going to demonstrate fly tying for May 28 meeting at the Clubhouse.

He will tie a Black Micro Bunny that he learned from Jay Levine as a demonstration pattern.

This fly is the best for juvy tarpon, but also irresistible to snook.

Also good in olive. Can make body white but the tie technique is a bit different.

He put the list of ingredients on WhatsApp Chat.

Email or message me if you want to join the chat.

If you tie your own flys then contribute to the discussion and learn too.

We will do Chili Dogs with Chips and Slaw for Memorial Day celebration.

Untangle my Baitcaster

Tuesday evening May 14, 7:30 pm, is the meeting for South Dade Anglers.

There have been discussions about baitcasters.

Lucas got one that claims it cannot jam.  Mine always winds up in a tangle. Maybe someone can help me?

Seriously, you guys that are comfortable with them be willing to help us or at least tell us we need to replace what we have.

David is making pulled pork sandwiches with coleslaw and kale salad. Lucas has offered to bring desert.

We can also plan an outing for May. I have a conflict on May 18, so maybe Saturday May 25th? Maybe the Jack Hole based on weather and tide conditions.

Ok, so lets have one of our focused discussions Tuesday evening. See you there.

Chasing April Tarpon

Meet at the club April 9 – 7:30 pm

Let’s have a discussion about catching Tarpon and pick a location for Saturday, April 13 outing for the same.

Place the outing on your calendar. Get your boat working.

Possible locations Flamingo. Middle Cape, Whitewater Bay, Everglades City or other.

Let’s work on it

Dinner – Chicken quarters, Pinto beans, Rice.


Holey Land Outing Planning – Bass on Fly

Next Tuesday 3/12 we meet at the clubhouse.

On the following Saturday, March 16, we will have an outing at Harold Campbell recreation area in the Holey Land.

That is fresh water with a deep lake (40 feet) and side canals.

What’s at the bottom of the deep part? There are Crapies in there too.

The side canals have lots of lily pads good opportunities to fish for Bass.

This is a good opportunity to fly fish for the Bass.

The challenge is to have a weedless bass fly.

Bring your experience and designs Tuesday evening to share and teach.

Then on Saturday 3/16, we can put our experiences into action.

Lets get some fish photos.

Lechon, arroz, and frijoles for dinner.  $10

Freshwater flats discussion

This evening 1/23/2024 we have a meeting at the clubhouse.

We will place a log on the fireplace and continue the discussion about fishing the flats.

We can share our experience and maybe plan another trip.

Dinner features Chili Dogs with award winning chili. David is making killer slaw and some others bring desert.

There’s a new video on YouTube.  Check it out.

Winter Bass or SeaTrout?

Tuesday evening we will have the first meeting of the year (01/09/2024) at the Club House.

Ernie Diaz a new member will talk with us about Bass fishing at Sawgrass Preserve.

The Photo speaks to his previous luck.

We are scheduled to have a club outing on Saturday, 01/13. I was talking about Big O before, but maybe we consider Sawgrass.

Another factor may be the cold weather. Maybe Trout of Mackerel would be better target for Saturday.

January is the month that membership fees are due to keep the place going. Please either bring a check ($250) or I will send a PayPal link.

I will bring some hamburgers and smokey Joe, so help out with some sides and/or desert.

Again, Happy New Year. See you then.

Holiday Pot-Luck Dinner

Sunday December 17, 6:00 pm,  we will have our annual holiday pot-luck celebration at the clubhouse. Plan on attending and bringing your family.

If you have never attended a meeting, now is a great opportunity to get to know who we are by visiting.

The menu will depend on what you bring. Here are suggestions for the menu:

Herman – Turkey
Russell – Ham
Rice and Beans
Veggies & Side Dishes
Sweet Potatoes & Cranberry Sauce

Beer and Coke – provided
Wine – Bring your own

Everyone show up and enjoy.

Saturday we can meet for a while to clean and set up. I will text next week for help.

See you there, it’s been a good year.

Fresh or Salt Water

Fresh or Salt Water?

This Saturday 11/18, is scheduled for the November outing.

Low wind, and rain, so we probably should save the fresh water, canals, for cold windy weather.

Lets make a decision tomorrow evening, 11/14, at 7:30 at the clubhouse. How about Whitewater Bay?

BBQ Wings and Thighs with Davids’s Asian cole slaw for dinner, $10.00

Come early, stay late, and enjoy the conversation.

See you there.