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Family Fun Fish Fry – and other incredible things – Tuesday, January 12

This is the reminder that we are having a great Family Fun Fish Fry on Tuesday evening at 7:30.

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Bring your spouse, friends, kids, and neighbors…..  Henry is sharing the Redfish he caught in Louisiana.  Not only sharing, but breading in Panko bread crumbs and frying!  Also there will be hush puppies, cole slaw, and Key Lime and Apple Pies.  All this for only $12 per person.
You cannot find a meal like this anywhere in a restaurant!  Wonderful game fish caught in the wild open range with loving gourmet preparation.  Only in this environment!  We also get to share a great social time together.
Pat Ford has generously donated 7 incredible original graphic images to our Club.  He will be there personally with the unveiling of the images giving the Club a whole new look.  We will acknowledge his magnificent work as he joins our meal.  You will be amazed when you see our new look.  You will be amazed to see that anyone can visualize these situations, much less capture them with a camera…. It’s truly, truly amazing!
Pablo will give a revealing description of his secret spot.  We are having the outing on Saturday, January 23, for the first monthly outing, to that secret productive place.  No other way will you learn about where and how to fish this treasured place.  Only by attending……
Annual dues also now need to be paid for 2016.  Please bring a check and get that business put away.
SO…., rearrange your schedule and make sure to attend on Tuesday evening’s unforgettable experience and meal.
Bring your guests!  Bring your appetites!  Bring your curiosity!  Be ready to have the great time that Henry and the Board are trying so hard to provide.
See you there!

Giant Fish Fry – Happy New Year

Mark your calendar for January 12 (Tuesday) meeting at 7:30, it’s going to be VERY special start of the New Year.

This year will feature more social events for our families.

Henry is sharing his good fortune by presenting a unique fish fry of Redfish he caught on his recent trip in Louisiana.

This is a giant event, bring everyone! Invite your spouse, significant other, friend, children, or neighbor to attend and enjoy this unique feast.

Panko bread crumbs with fried fish fingers. Plus sides and fixings. Even some Key Lime pie. Maybe even some iced tea…..

THIS IS a social event. Please plan on attending to make the New Year start a success for all of us.

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target and explore the chase of these species on our outings.

We will hand out copies of the calendar of activities and outings for the new year so all can begin planning to enjoy the wonderful resources that South Florida offers and South Dade Anglers treasure.

This email is for the best wishes for you and your family in the New Year. Each of us is looking forward to having fun and enjoying the fellowship this club offers in 2016.

The Board meeting is next week, January 5th, so plan on attending and providing input and suggestions for some of the upcoming events.

See you there,

Herman Watson

Annual Mackerel outing and Holiday Banquet

This week is the big holiday week for South Dade Anglers.

Three big Mackerel events that we wait all year for.  Mark your calender, clear your schedule, and
put SDA on your agenda.

First, tomorrow evening, Tuesday, December 8, at 7:30,  Henry is giving a presentation on Mackerel
fishing and discussion about Sprigger Bank which is our annual Mackerel outing trip.

Roger is bringing Pizza, so you don’t want to miss how and what to use for chasing Mackerel.
Mackerel are a pelagic species, so they have no home, just continuously roam looking for food.

Second, is Saturday, December 12, we have the convoy out to Sprigger Bank.  This bank is located
about 14 miles SSW of Flamingo.  The plan is to meet at the dock at Flamingo at 7:30 am and run out
together.  We are discussing the logistics of the outing at tomorrow evening’s meeting.  Want the
GPS coordinates?  Come tomorrow night.

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Then to top off the YEAR is the annual Holiday Banquet which we will be having at the Club house on
Sunday evening.  We will start at 6:00 p.m.  This is sort of a pot luck dinner, but Ham and Turkey
will be provided.  Your task, should you accept it, is to bring either salad, sides, or desert.

Your should also bring some zip-lock bags for leftovers so nothing goes to waste.

So there you have it, December, and annual events all in the same week.  This week at South Dade

Hope to see you tomorrow evenging.

Herman Watson

November 10 – Fishing the Jack Hole with Tom Gray

This month we are going to have one meeting which is tomorrow night, November 10, at 7:30 pm.

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This meeting will be when Tom Gray tells us all his secrets about the Jack Hole.
This is important because the outing will be on November 21st out of Crandon Marina.
This is the ideal launch for fishing the Jack Hole.  If the weather is bad, there is always Bear Cut Bridge or any of the inside shore lines on Key Biscayne.
But since we always have outstanding weather for SDA outings, we will count of fishing the Jack Hole.
The attached photo is testament about how good Tom is and his knowledge of the ‘jack hole’.
There are several of his buddies who claim they know as much if not more about the same location.  Do you think there will be any tension during the meeting?
The only way you can find out is to attend.  You also will definitely learn to fish somewhere about which you probably have limited knowledge.
We also want to accept nominations from the floor for next year’s officers.
December will also have one meeting which will be on December 8th.  There Henry will disclose his secretes about Mackerel fishing.  We will have our annual outing to Spriger Bank on December 12th.
ALSO, on December 13th, Sunday evening we will have our annual Holiday dinner.  This will be for you to bring sides or desert because Turkey and Ham will be provided.
Busy time, but need to also relax and enjoy some of the best fishing of the year.
See you tomorrow evening.

Pat Ford, World Famous Fishing Photographer at Tuesday meeting

Pat Ford, one of the best photographers in the world will be our guest for a special presentation to South Dade Anglers fishing club on Tuesday evening, October 27, at 7:30 pm.

Tom will be cooking up some gourmet burgers ($8.00) and we will have a great, highly entertaining evening with Pat’s presentation.

DON’T MISS THIS MEETING!!! Make your plans to attend; notify your friends and invite them to attend. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear and see his work.

The photo and description are from Pat’s incredible web site so take a look:

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PAT FORD is originally from northern New Jersey. He entered the University of Notre Dame in 1961 where as a communications arts major, he added sports photography to his passions. After graduating in 1965, he entered Columbia Law School in New York City. After being admitted to the New York Bar in 1968, he joined the Navy JAG Corps and was stationed in Pensacola where he began writing for Salt Water Sportsman magazine and several others.

When he was transferred from Pensacola to Key West, it became very clear that he was going to spend the rest of his life in Florida. After discharge from the Navy in December, 1972 he moved to Miami and began his law practice, specializing in civil litigation. He has been Board Certified in Civil Trial Law since 1983., but for over 35 years now, Pat has continued to fish, take photos and write about his experiences on the water. He has traveled extensively and has held over a dozen IGFA Fly Rod World Records ranging from a 196lb tiger shark caught in Florida Bay to a 14.5 lb tigerfish caught in Zambia, Africa.

His second project book, ‘A Passion for Tarpon’ with Andy Mill was released in 2010. Pat presently has an exhibit of his photos on display at the IGFA in Dania Beach, Fl.

See you Tuesday night. Special thanks to Tom Gray for facilitating Pat’s appearance.

10,000 islands fishing outing – Saturday Oct 24

On Saturday, October 24th, the club outing will be at Everglades City.  I will be staying at River Wilderness Waterfront Villas, 210 Collier Ave, Everglades, FL 34139.

Their phone is (239) 695-4499.  It is located directly across the street from the hardware store.  You are welcome to make a reservation there or can drive over early Saturday morning.

An alternative spot is Captain’s Table Lodge and Villas just down the street.

The tide for Indian Key (in the gulf) shows high tide at 11:00 am which should be ideal.  In the morning about 8:30 am we will form a convoy from the Villas to go out the Baron River to the Gulf for fishing.  If you wish you can drive over on Saturday morning and launch with us.  The drive is about 1.5 hours, check your Google maps.

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Make your plans to join us on the outing if you can.

Herman Watson


Captain Jim Anson Fishing Guide – 09/22

On Tuesday night, September 22, we are having the second meeting of the month with a special guest speaker.

Captain Jim Anson is an experienced light tackle tournament angler. He has been fishing South Florida waters for over 30 years. He has personally caught more than 44 I.G.F.A Certified World Records. He is widely regarded as one of the most knowledgeable fishermen in the world.  In 2006 Capt. Jim was inducted into the prestigious; I.G.F.A World Record Hall of Fame!

Capt. Jim Anson clients have been guided to more than 110 I.G.F.A World Record Catches!!!!  Anson has won the Master Angler Award in the Metropolitan South Florida Fishing Tournament three times. This is the largest tournament in the world, running five months and attracting 50,000 entries a year. the Master Angler award is the most difficult award to win in fishing.  It recognizes the top overall fisherman during the tournament’s run.  It requires the capture of trophy sized fish on a variety of tackles including fly rod, spinning rod, and bait casting rods all without natural baits, as well as light tackle down to 6 pound test line!

The menu is Piccodillo with white rice as a dinner for $8.00.  There will also be a desert included.

Please set your plans and come to hear his talk.

We will also review the Harney River outing.  …Interesting.

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Their phone is (239) 695-4499.  It is located directly across the street from the hardware store.  You are welcome to make a reservation there or can drive over early Saturday morning.

In the morning I will lead a convoy from the
villas out the Baron River for fishing. After noon, around 2:30, I will come back and have Stone Crab and an adult carbonated beverage at Triad Seafood Cafe.  401 W School Dr, Everglades, FL.

Make plans if you wish to join the outing.

See you there Tuesday evening,
Herman Watson

Fishing and exploring Harney River

Tuesday night, September 8, we are going to have a planning session for the monthly outing.

So…, the month outing is going to be a convoy of boats running up to the Harney River.  Have you ever been there?

It is a 30 mile run, so better to go as a group rather than as an individual.  If someone has a problem we can help each other by staying together.

The intent is to go up there and see the sights.  Maybe by accident we will also catch a Redfish, Snook, Tarpon, Jack, Trout, or some other species (Bonnet Head).  Restating the intent is to go be there, hang out for
a while with a hook in the water, and then run back.

All of this is contengent on the weather and conditions.  Lately, the weather has been perfect in the morning with afternoon showers.  Wind has been slight
to moderate.

We will run up the middle of Whitewater Bay, then the Shark River to Ponce de Leon Bay.  Once there we will go up the Gulf on the edge of the shoreline to Graveyard Creek, Harney River, and Broad River mouths.  The route will be reviewed on Tuesday evening.

Once again the intent is to hang together and enjoy the surroundings.  No one should run off on their own without us all knowing where and when to meet back.

If the weather deteriates, we will start heading back.  If the weather gets rougher we can run back in protected water with the Joe River or stop at one of the chickees there.
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I need a committment of at least 5 boats.  I have been contacting some of you personally and it appears we will meet that threshold.  Others please let me know if you plan on participating.

We would like to take 2 or 3 per boat, so if you do not have a committment for passengers we can get ‘volunteers’ on Tuesday evening as part of the logistics.

Individual boats will meet with their passengers at Whitewater ramp at 7:00 am on Saturday morning.

AT&T works there so you can call or message if there is a delay or complication.  We will monitor channel 68 when we run up.  We will do radio checks before setting out.

I plan on running at 25-30 mph out.  I don’t want to overstress any boat, some will be pushing at that speed while others will be capable of running twice that.  Again, the intent is to stay together.

Please come Tuesday evening if you have a boat, or if you want to ‘volunteer’ to ride, or if you are curious, or if you want some of the  Pizza Tom is going to bring.

Anyway, come on Tuesday evening and enjoy the stories and fun.

See you there
Herman Watson

Snook fishing by Capt Dave Justice

You want to make special plans to come to this Tuesday meeting.

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Captain Dave Justice is coming to speak.  Who is he?  He is without a doubt the living legend for snook fishing.  Just google his name if you have any doubt.
He will be bringing some of his Snooktek lures which are an amazing invention between him and a medical products inventor.
You think you know what this technology is?  Think again and come to be pleasantly surprised.  Bring some extra money to buy a couple of these lures because once you understand what is going on, it will be something you cannot live without.
To top it off, Henry is cooking GIANT DOGS with homemade chili, onions, and chips.  Maybe some ice cream too.  Only $8.00 for the meal.
Again, mark your calendar.  Invite a friend.  You will be happy you saw this presentation.
See you there

Aug 11- fishing Homestead Bayfront and Day-on-the-Bay

Tomorrow Tuesday, August 11 is the first meeting of August.

We are beginning to get into the swing of things….This month is back to school, back from vacation, back to work. Time to take a break and get together to share fishing stories from the summer and talk about upcoming things.

THIS WEEKEND, Saturday, is the FNGLA Day-on-the-Bay tournament which we participate in each year. This year it is in August instead of September. Erik Tietig is coming by to talk to our meeting about the tournament.

The tournament is lots of fun. There are 9 species and the length of largest fish caught in each species is credited toward your catch total. Bass, Bonefish, Permit, Redfish, Shark, Snapper, Snook, Tarpon, Sea Trout, you should be able to catch some of those species. The Bay can be Biscayne Bay, Florida Bay, or any other water around the Keys. The rule is to catch with lines in at safe light and then turn in the lengths for all your species at 3:00 p.m.

There are awards in each species as well as overall awards. Dennis and Vicky are fishing and are the team to beat.

Personally, I will fish shoreline around Turkey Point. I may use my kayak if others are willing to join me.
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Tomorrow night will also be a presentation on fishing the shoreline and fueling canal around Turkey Point.

If you have a kayak and kayak fish you will enjoy learning at the presentation while studying the shoreline features for fishing the area.

Come on down. We will have Pizza at $5.00, all you can eat. There are also some carbonated adult beverages to accompany for $1.00 more each.

Generally we have fun getting together and going over the different fishing areas and styles. Hope you can come to participate.

See you there
Herman Watson