Bring your bait fishing cast net this evening. This helps us complete our profile as anglers. We are going to learn how to throw a net without even having to put weights or anything in your mouth. Plus you will not get soaked with the second cast.
There will be video and hands on experiences. I have a small net that can be used for practice in case you do not have a net yet. If you do, bring yours and we can work on getting comfortable with this technique.
This weekend, June 13, we are going to go out on the Captain Chan’s Gulfstream Party fishing boat for night fishing.
Gulfstream Party Fishing Boat, 1313 Ocean Bay Drive, Key Largo, FL 33037
This map can be used to get directions:
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$45.00 Adults ~ $35.00 Kids
7:00 pm ’till midnight
Bring your own fishing light tackle Saturday evening if you are looking for some yellow tails.
Bring your wife, significant other, friend, and/or kids.
Please let me know if you are planning on going Saturday evening.
Tonight, Tom is bringing Pizza tonight so you will not be overcome with hunger while working with your net.
Of course bring some of your fishing stories. We can talk for hours just entertaining each other.
See you tonight at 7:30 pm.
Herman Watson